On the heals of my blog post on Evernote as a great programming tool, Evernote and Moleskine released a great new product. It is a Moleskine notebook but with a twist. The notebook uses a special page technology that works with Evernote to facilitate the scanning and filing of the data in the notebook. I still have a fondness for pen and paper for my on-going project notes. I have tried pure electronic note taking solutions, but they just don’t “feel right”.
Now with this combination, I can get the best of both worlds. I can still use pen and paper to record my notes/comments/idea’s/log but now it is a simple matter to scan that information into Evernote for further use by using my camera phone. Very, very cool.
Read more about it with the following link. The product won’t be out until October so once I have my hands on a Evernote Smart Notebook by Moleskine, I will update the blog with a full report.
p.s. Check out the way cool embossed cover and green trim….sharp!